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Version: 1.0.1


Let's discover REECALL in less than 15 minutes.


It is important to note that this documentation is still under development. We will update it regularly and keep the changelog up to date. ( Future updates will include information on the filters available in the api ( where, sort, ... ), the monitoring section and an explanation of the possibilities surrounding data extractors.

Getting Started

Get started by setuping your first agent.

What you'll need

  • Reecall API KEY on development environment.
  • Few phone numbers left for the channel creation.

How to activate and manage your reecall account

You can begin using your reecall account as soon as you create it. Your account will be provisionned with some free minutes and phone numbers to use, and a default agent template to start with. We'll design an agent template later in a workshop, if not already done.

Find your api key

Once your account created our team will be in touch with you and will provide your account token. If you need or want to revoke it and get a new one, please contact your CSM directly.


Want to jump straight to the code? Skip the quickstart and dive into the API reference.