Now let's talk about what defines an agent. We have several parameters to be aware of.
- Lists and templates: The templates available to you are grouped together in lists that can be likened to a category. The list orders the templates that are the basis of an agent when they are created.
- Personality: It defines how the agent will speak, with what voice, in what language and at what speed.
- Sentences: All the sentences your agent can pronounce.
- Settings: In this section, we'll show you how to modify your agent's settings section, which can influence its behavior.
📄️ Agents lists and templates
To better manage the various agents available, we have set up templates and agent lists:
📄️ Personalities
Personality defines the manner and voice with which your agent will speak.
📄️ Sentences
Phrases are all the elements your agent can pronounce.
📄️ Settings
This part of the agent parameters is actually quite simple. It's a set of static variables used during a conversation with your agent.