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Version: 1.0.4


The sort filter allows you to sort the results of your query based on one or more fields. This filter is useful when you want to order the returned data in either ascending or descending order. Below is a detailed explanation of how to use the sort filter in your API requests.

Basic Usage

The sort filter is passed as a JSON object, where each key represents a field in your database, and the value indicates the sort order for that field.

"sort": {
"field1": 1,
"field2": -1

Sort Order

  • 1: Sorts the field in ascending order.
  • -1: Sorts the field in descending order.


Single Field Ascending

"sort": {
"createdAt": 1

This will return all records sorted by the createdAt field in ascending order (oldest first).

Single Field Descending

"sort": {
"createdAt": -1

This will return all records sorted by the createdAt field in descending order (newest first).

Multiple Fields

"sort": {
"status": 1,
"createdAt": -1

This will return all records sorted first by the status field in ascending order, and within each status group, by the createdAt field in descending order.


  • The sort filter can be combined with other filters, such as the where filter, to narrow down and order your results.
  • Sorting by multiple fields is particularly useful when you want to group and order data in a specific hierarchy.


The sort filter is a powerful tool for ordering your query results. By specifying one or more fields and their respective sort orders, you can control how the data is presented, making it easier to work with large datasets.